Evangelische Trägergruppe für gesellschaftspolitische Jugendbildung
Evangelische Trägergruppe für gesellschaftspolitische Jugendbildung

About us

a network for civic youth education

General information

Evangelische Trägergruppe für gesellschaftspolitische Jugendbildung (et) is a network for civic youth education. Coordinated by the national headquarters in Berlin, a team of approximately 32 youth education consultants works at 21 Protestant institutions for youth and adult civic education throughout Germany.

et coordinates work in this field for two umbrella organisations: the Protestant Academies in Germany (Evangelische Akademien in Deutschland – EAD) and the Protestant Youth (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Evangelischen Jugend in Deutschland e. V. – aej).

Civic youth education accompanies young people in their individual, political socialisation and fosters their contribution to the development of democratic culture. It is underpinned by an understanding of democracy as an unfinished project, centred on the ideas and values of equality, freedom, justice, participation, pluralism, diversity, inclusion, solidarity and responsibility.

The network aims to develop educational programs, most importantly workshops and seminars for young people from diverse social backgrounds and conference formats for multipliers in youth education, youth politics and civil society organisations. To achieve this, youth education consultants cooperate with a variety of other actors on a regional level, creating a wide impact: Each year, around 12,000 participants take part in more than 260 activities.

Through the work of its national coordination and youth education consultants at a regional level, the network creates multiple hubs which foster civic education and youth policy in Germany. It contributes to professional debates with articles, presentations and workshops at national and European conferences, thus disseminating experiences and knowledge from its practice into expert, academic and policy circles.


In addition, the network as a whole regularly realises network projects with the objective of developing innovative methods and learning settings in non-formal youth education. Recent and ongoing projects have focused on the use of digital media in civic education, activities for young refugees, combatting antisemitism and other forms of group-focused enmity as well as living together peacefully in a multi-faith society.

Focus areas

The Protestant Network promotes and coordinates the development, execution and evaluation of innovative projects around four focus areas which reflect work priorities, expertise and activities. These include not only workshops and conferences, but also publications, methods development, training opportunities and participation at various levels in internal and external networks.

There are currently four focus areas:

  • Focus area 1: Democratic participation
  • Focus area 2: Digitalisation of society
  • Focus area 3: Global responsibility and socio-ecological transformation
  • Focus area 4: Living together in diversity


The Protestant Network publishes an annual yearbook. An overview of all our current publications can be found here (in German).


A complete list of sections and youth education consultants can be found here (in German).


The work of the Evangelische Trägergruppe für gesellschaftspolitische Jugendbildung is financed by  the Federal Child and Youth Plan (KJP) of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).

Office contacts

Jantschek, Ole
National Coordinator for Civic Youth Education / Pedagogical Director
Deputy Secretary General of the Protestant Academies in Germany
Telephone:        030/28 39 54 47
Fax:                     030/28 39 54 70
Email:                 jantschek(at)politische-jugendbildung-et.de
Background:     Political Scientist, MA. (International Relations and Eastern European Studies)


Besel, Bettina
Secretariat and Administration Civic Youth Education

Telephone:        030/28 39 54 43
Fax:                     030/28 39 54 70
Email:                 office(at)politische-jugendbildung-et.de
Background:     Dipl. Sociologist


Gramoll, Annika
Specialist for Civic Youth Education

Telephone:        030/28 39 54 45
Fax:                     030/28 39 54 70
Email:                 gramoll(at)politische-jugendbildung-et.de
Background:     Pedagogics and Educational Sciences, M.A.


Liebtrau, Luisa
Knowledge Transfer and Public Relations

Telephone:        030/28 39 54 18
Fax:                     030/28 39 54 70
Email:                 liebtrau(at)politische-jugendbildung-et.de
Background:     Cultural History, M.A.


Rosenow, Jakob
Specialist for Civic Youth Education

Telephone:        030/28 39 54 14
Fax:                     030/28 39 54 70
Email:                 rosenow(at)politische-jugendbildung-et.de
Background:     Islamic Studies, MA.